Welcome to the SI Soccer Club Coaches page!

 Here, you'll find everything you need to get started as a coach with us.

Click here to begin the registration process. This link will be active beginning on April 1st.

Please make sure that you register with your full legal name, as seen on your drivers license. This is the only way that your background and fingerprinting results can be matched up to your account. 

After you complete your registration you will need to complete a live scan (in-person finger printing), an online background check, the Safe Sport Course, and the Health and Safety Course online, as well as the Intro to Grassroots and applicable licensing courses.

All of the required courses, except or the licensing course, can be found by logging in to your account at gotsport.com and clicking on the dashboard tab on the left hand side.

The registrar will contact you will more detailed information and direction. Please reach out to registrar@sisoccerfc.org with any questions!

  • The primary objective of the coach is to make the soccer experience safe, educational and fun for the children. At the end of their Arden Park soccer careers, we want the kids to be better players and more importantly, better people. The goal is not to win at all costs, but to develop independent and well-adjusted children.

  • The coach is responsible for the conduct of his/her sideline. Each coach is encouraged to talk to the parents and explain that cheering good play by both teams is encouraged. Yelling and/or giving direction to the players or the referees is unacceptable.

  • In both victory and defeat, coaches will act with grace, dignity, and composure. He/she teaches the players to do the same. A coach should never enter the field of play, question a referee or belittle the players. Each coach and player is encouraged to thank the opposing team and the referee after each game.

  • Soccer is the players’ game. The philosophy of the coach should be to teach at practice and to step back and let the players play during the games. The soccer coach does not micromanage his/her players during the game.

  • The coach should teach the players fair play and good sportsmanship. If a player is being disrespectful, the coach will remove him/her from the game.
    All Requirements Must be Completed by July 15 to Ensure You can Start Coaching August 1

    Thank you for volunteering to coach this season! The requirements for all coaches (per CalNorth and our League, River City Youth Soccer League) are below. We highly encourage you to complete the first two requirements as soon as possible

Do this first! Results can take a few weeks.

This has to be done even if you have completed it elsewhere. There will be a free event happening at Cresta Park on Tuesday, June 25th from 4-7:30PM where you can get this done, otherwise you need to make an appointment to get it completed on your own time.


  1. Access your dashboard using the button below
  2. Click on “view” next to your name
  3. Click on your name (in blue under the coach registration header, top left corner)
  4. Click on dashboard on the top left corner
  5. Scroll down and on the right hand column you'll see a list of requirements that need to be met
  6. Click on “details” next to the Live Scan item and fill in your information to submit the form
  7. Once you complete the form, you are able to schedule an appointment for your in-person live scan
  8. If you are able to, please try to attend the June 20th event at Cresta Park
  9. If you are not able to attend the event at Cresta Park, please email registrar@sisoccerfc.org to receive a code to use during your appointment registration

This can take a few weeks for the results to come through, so please do not wait to complete this task.

All Coaches will need to complete this each year. Returning coaches will just complete the refresher. You NEED to ensure you are using your legal name and that you registered as a coach using your legal name.


  1. Access your dashboard using the button below
  2. Click on “view” next to your name
  3. Click on your name (in blue under the coach registration header, top left corner)
  4. Click on dashboard on the top left corner
  5. Scroll down and on the right hand column you'll see a list of requirements that need to be met
  6. Click on “details” next to the Background Check item
  7. Click on “Submit a New Report”
  8. Fill in all of your information, sign at the bottom and click on “Submit”
  9. You will receive an email after you submit the form and that email MUST be responded to in order to complete this step!

All Coaches will need to complete this course each year. Returning coaches will just complete the refresher.


  1. Access your dashboard using the button below
  2. Click on “view” next to your name
  3. Click on your name (in blue under the coach registration header, top left corner)
  4. Click on dashboard on the top left corner
  5. Scroll down and on the right hand column you'll see a list of requirements that need to be met
  6. Click on "details" next to the Health & Safety requirement
  7. Click on “Submit a New Report”
  8. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the blue “Intro to Safe and Healthy Playing Environments”
  9. Log in to the US Soccer Learning Center
  11. When completed, please send a screenshot of the completion page to registrar@sisoccerfc.org, so we can upload it to the system for you for League verification

All Coaches will need to complete this course each year. Returning coaches will just complete the refresher.


  1. Access your dashboard using the button below
  2. Click on “view” next to your name
  3. Click on your name (in blue under the coach registration header, top left corner)
  4. Click on dashboard on the top left corner
  5. Scroll down and on the right hand column you'll see a list of requirements that need to be met
  6. Click on "details" next to the Safe Sport Course requirement
  7. Click on the blue “Start Course” link
  8. Using the email address that you registered with, sign up for or log in to the US Center for Safe Sport and complete the course
  9. When completed, please send a screenshot of the completion page to registrar@sisoccerfc.org, so we can upload it to the system for you for League verification

All Coaches, If you have not taken a licensing course previously, this needs to be completed. This requirement does have a fee of $25, which is reimbursed upon completion.

This is the only course not accessible through your registration dashboard.  


  1. Visit the US Soccer Learning Center using the button below
  2. Log in using the same login credentials created for the Intro to Health and Safety Course
  3. Scroll down to Coaching Education
  4. Scroll down to “Register for a Course” and (with the license pathway option on the top of the left hand column) you should be able to scroll down on the left banner and click on Introduction
  5. Once you complete the Introduction course, you can complete the Online 4v4 (for U05-U08 coaches), 7v7 (for U10 coaches), 9v9 (for U12 coaches)
  6. When completed, please send a screenshot of the completion page to registrar@sisoccerfc.org, so we can upload it to the system for you for League verification

This is for your coaching badge. It must be face forward, no hats or sunglasses (even on top of the head), and shoulders up. Technically, this needs to be on a blue background, but any clean background will work.

Email your photo to registrar@sisoccerfc.org when completed.

Here are some valuable resources offering guidance on essential skills to focus on and develop for each age group, along with sample practice sessions. If you need further assistance, please contact our Coaching Coordinators. (Files are in PDF and can be downloaded)